Reception Curriculum
On this page you can find out about the curriculum in our Reception classes. Click on the sections below to read about the different learning projects your child will be doing.
Reception- (ID 1022)
Incredible Me!Autumn: Communication and Language
Incredible Me!
A project aiming to help children transition into school by providing them with opportunities to learn and talk about themselves and others. They learn that everybody is unique and are encouraged to celebrate the similarities and differences between themselves and their peers. These experiences enable children to feel connected with each other and build positive relationships with their peers and teachers. Children develop their speaking and listening skills and gain the confidence to speak in front of a small group
CelebrationsPersonal, social and emotional development
The aim of this project is to introduce children to different cultural, religious celebrations and festivals. Children will develop an understanding of the importance of different festivals and how and why they are celebrated. This will allow children to make comparisons and talk about similarities and differences between different religious and cultural communities. This will promote positive attitudes towards people from different backgrounds. They will start to understand events that have happened in the past and their significance to the present day.
Walking through South AfricaUnderstanding the World
Walking through South Africa
Children will be learning about how and where their lives fit into the bigger picture of the World. They will feel confident to talk about features of different environments (South Africa, Kalahari Desert, Savanna, and England) and how there may be similarities and differences between them. We will also be learning all about different animals found in South Africa.
Materials Matter! What is it made of?Understanding the world
Materials Matter! What is it made of?
Children will build on their understanding of the world around them by looking at different materials and learning to sort and classify them, investigating how they behave, where they originate from and what they are used for. They then use this knowledge to produce a model, giving justifications for their choice of materials.
Fun on the FarmExpressive Arts and Design
Fun on the Farm
During this project, the children will become more confident with understanding the life cycles of plants and animals found in a farm. They will learn different facts about animals found there. By carefully observing plants and animals, the children will learn to pay attention to detail when drawing things in nature.
Sporting Heroes Past and PresentHistory, Physical Development
Sporting Heroes Past and Present
With the children’s first sports day this term, this project aims to teach children about different sports and famous athletes past and present. They will learn about the local historical figure- Roger Bannister. This project will give children the opportunity to develop their gross motor skills and learn new sports. Throughout this project children will learn to build resilience and confidence to try out new sports.