Wood Farm Primary School

Wood Farm TV

Take a look at some of our brilliant films, available on YouTube:

NEW: Michael Morpurgo - whole school

In November 2015 the celebrated children's author Michael Morpurgo visited our school to declare our new buildings officially open - and to share with us some of his wonderful story telling.  This film is a record of some of our learning based on Michael Morpurgo's story 'The Gentle Giant' and our whole-school project in the run up to his visit.

Web icon Watch this video on YouTube

Kilvrough 2015

In this moving and inspiring short film children and school staff talk about their experiences at Kilvrough Outdoor Education Centre, after their week-long residential visit to South Wales.  Put together by children and staff in Years 5 and 6.

Web icon Watch this video on YouTube

'Aiming High - Wood Farm School' - Years 5 and 6

Children from our Year 5 and 6 classes have re-worked the song 'Good Time' by Owl City to produce this outstanding video and singing performance, as part of their term 4 music project.

'Lanterns' - Year 6 Chorus

Children from Year 6 perform the song 'Lanterns' as part of their end of year assembly, marking the end of their time at Wood Farm School.

Web icon We Stand Tall

The original outstanding recording of our school song, with vocals jointly recorded by our pupils in Wood Farm and by children in our partners chool in South Africa.

Web icon We Stand Tall (Wood Farm Community)

Inspired by Gary Barlow's 'Sing' our pupils in Years 3 and 4 recorded a new version of our school song, featuring lots of voices from different community groups in Wood Farm.  Money raised through sales of the single were donated to BBC Children in Need.

Web icon Guy Fawkes - Take One Lantern

A film created by pupils in Years 3 and 4 dramatising the story of Guy Fawkes.  Part of our whole school project inspired by Guy Fawkes lantern, in conjunction with the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford.

NEW: Inspiration - Public Speaking Competition Winners

Watch the winning entry from Wood Farm School in the 2014 Oxford Spires Primary Public Speaking Competition.

Gary Barlow is inspired by Wood Farm School!


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