Wood Farm Primary School

Supporting Mental Wellbeing During Lockdown

We know that staying at home can put extra pressure of children and families, but there is lots of different support available if your children, or you, are finding things difficult.

In our guide we have put together lots of different ideas for looking after your child's mental health and wellbeing - as well as your own.  There are also some links on this page to different sources of help and advice.

PDF icon Supporting your child's emotional health

Sources of help and advice

Oxford City Council - Coronavirus help for vulnerable residents (or call 01865 249811)

Childline - support and advice for children with their worries (or call 0800 11 11)

Oxfordshire and Bucks 24/7 mental health helpline

- for children and young people call 01865 904 998

- for adults call 01865 904 997

CAMHS advice line01865 902 515