Storytelling - 3 Billy Goats Gruff
Special Storytelling projects are a regualr part of our learning, and our whole school project on the tale of the Three Billy Goats Gruff was one of our best! Here Miss Phillips, our literacy co-ordinator and storytelling lead, says a little bit more about what was involved:
'Before half term, every class in our school embarked on an exciting two week storytelling project based on the story of 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'. It all started with an assembly which involved an angry goat, a familiar-looking police officer and a police line-up of suspect under-bridge-dwellers. Intriguing!
The children were then challenged to learn to tell a version of the story and find out more about the characters and what had actually happened. During the two weeks, children had the chance to meet goats in real life who visited from a nearby farm, bake tasty 'Oatie Goatie' cookies using goat's milk, construct bridges using different materials and of course do a range of writing based on the story.
The final whole-school sharing assembly was an opportunity for children to share the work they had created - from memorable raps to job applications for the position of a new bridge keeper; the children had certainly worked hard and produced some excellent writing. Adults and children enjoyed the project and we're already thinking about what story we can do next year!'