Wood Farm Primary School

Kilvrough March 2023 - Wednesday

We had a very exciting surprise waiting for us this morning when we woke up. The Kilvrough grounds were covered in snow - our instructors told us this is the first snow they have had here in ten years! 

The snow meant that we had to have a change of plan for the day, all planned activities were cancelled because the roads were too dangerous for the mini buses. 

However, our amazing instructors were very happy to let us have some time enjoying the snow together. We threw snowballs at Mr Martin, built some very impressive snow-women (in honour of international women’s day!), rolled down the hills and did some sledging! 

It was the best morning and we had so much fun playing and laughing in the snow! 

Afterward we had some delicious chocolate cookies and hot chocolate or hot squash to warm up.

Before lunch we went into our groups and enjoyed some problem solving activities inside the house. We had a go at four different challenges and needed our team work and communication skills to succeed. In the tower building challenge, group D won with their tower reaching 96cm! Group A really impressed Jamie with their determination to succeed with the ‘toxic waste’ challenge.  

After lunch, we set off on a walk through the woodlands. It’s was pretty rainy by this point and the snow was starting to melt so we all had to wrap up warm with our waterproofs on! 

Mr Moore’s group got a little paddle in the shallow river and played Pooh sticks. While Miss Fellows and Mr Martin’s groups took an accidental detour and made their walk a bit more scenic - but they did get the chance to see the castle ruins we saw last night in the daylight.

 Once we got back to Kilvrough, we had much needed warm showers and a bit of relaxing free time with our friends. Then filled up on dinner - roast chicken and chocolate moose!!  

This evening, our instructors Sam and Sarah took us out into the Kilvrough woods. We got to explore a bit and then had a go at building dens which would be big enough to shelter our whole group.  

Everyone is very tired from a busy, exciting day and we are hoping that we’ll be able to get back out to our activities tomorrow. Mr Martin’s and Miss Fellows’ groups will be canoeing and Miss Thomas’s and Mr Moore’s groups will be climbing!