Wood Farm Primary School

Kilvrough March 2023 - Monday

We had a very lovely (traffic-free) journey after saying good bye to school this morning. Once we had crossed over into Wales stopped at the services for a little snack. We were so outstanding in the services that a lady stopped Miss Fellows and told her we were a credit to our school and our families. 

We arrived at Kilvrough just after 12 and met our instructors for the week: Rod (our group leader), Jamie, Sam, Ed and Sarah. We learnt all about our goals for the week and how to be safe and independent all week. 

Then it was time to find out our rooms and tackle the first challenge of the week: making our beds!! Everyone managed it eventually with a little help from their friends and Mr Moore. 

We then enjoyed some very big packed lunches - we shared lots of chocolate biscuits! 

After lunch, we went in to our groups for the week and began getting together the key equipment we would need (wellies and waterproofs!). Then each group took part in lots of different team building activities. 

Group A, with Miss Fellows, did a hanging maze challenge, a water challenge and crossed the Amazon river safely! Miss Fellows was really impressed with Elsie’s confidence and leadership in the team and Marwan’s great communication skills. Group B, with Mr Martin, had a go at the balance beam and Group C, with Miss Thomas, challenged themselves to do the spider web and just for fun had a go at rolling down the hills!

Group D, with Mr Moore, had a go at some tree climbing challenges! Mr Moore was really pleased to see almost all the group being brave enough to take on the hardest challenge!

 This evening, we enjoyed some free time getting used to the layout of the house and then had a delicious dinner of fish fingers, mash potato and beans followed by jelly and ice cream. Everyone ate lots!! 

Tonight we have been doing some orienteering around the grounds of the house. Jamie our leader talked up carefully through the map reading skills we would need before we set out. Noah, George, Kiydan and James were the quickest to find all ten markers. 

Everyone has had a great first day and there are smiles all round. 

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