Kilvrough 2019
The children explored the view (with a game of eye spy) and encouraged each other to keep going on our long walk.
We’ve all had a wonderful week and the children are extremely proud of their achievements - we are sure they will remember this trip for a very long time.
Miss Fellows, Miss Werrell, Mr Moore and Mr Gerrard are so proud of each of the children and have enjoyed every minute with them.
All the children really challenged themselves today
They decided if they were going to get wet, they may as well get soaked!
We all started to reflect on our time at Kilvrough
The children all slept well last night after our stargazing evening. Not a peep was heard from anyone until wake up time, which set them up well for a great day. The duty team were ready to serve everyone croissants and pain au chocolat this morning, which went down very well with everyone- adults included! They all had a positive start to the morning. Bedroom inspections had slipped a little from their exceptionally high standard but were very good on the whole.
After a lovely lunch in the sunshine, we headed off on a journey down the canal.
Group B have had an amazing day scrambling and rock climbing at the beach. When they arrived they worked really well together as a team to carry all of their equipment down to the beach. Then they had a go at scrambling over large rocks and tested out their caving skills a little. Sam was really confident and enthusiastic and took on every obstacle. After lunch, Jayden was the first to have a go at climbing and took on the challenge with confidence. He showed everyone else how to do it successfully and was proud to have made it all the way to the top. Tayah and Elmisa really impressed Mr Moore with their team work and putting their trust in each other when climbing. All the children had a go at climbing - they had at least three climbs each and every one managed to make it to the top!
Group B have had an amazing day scrambling and rock climbing at the beach.
Group C had a wonderful time caving today with Sam (our instructor). After spending time gathering all our equipment and making sure we had a change of clothes, we were finally on the bus and off to the caves. When we arrived, we sat down and had lunch and ate our flapjack, giving us enough energy for the caves. After Sam taught us all about the rocks, linking it to our project 'Terrifying tectonics', we headed into the mouth of the cave. Everyone braved 'the mouse-hole' at the very start, showing great teamwork and courage. Maxim was particularly keen to go through and enjoyed scrambling over the rocks in the cave. It was a tight squeeze but it set us up ready for the rest of our challenges in the cave. As we ventured further through the cave we approached some well known obstacles including the letterbox (though the children didn't realise it at the time!). They quickly posted Miss Werrell through at the start to check the coast was clear, then they all followed after. Adina showed great resilience in this task and persevered to earn the status of saying she had completed the letterbox. We continued through the cave at pace and everyone enjoyed scrambling under the ceilings and dipping into some occasional puddles until we got to “the toilet” which the children had all heard about and were very excited to try out. Lots of the children really challenged themselves with this- going down into the toilet (a small hole downwards) and crawling through the water to meet Sam at the end. Vania and Reinaldo took it all in their stride very calmly and completed the caves with ease.
Everyone braved 'The Mouse Hole' challenge at the very start, showing great teamwork and courage.
The children all got back and showered much more quickly this evening, being considerate of other people’s needs as well as their own. After showering the children had some free time- many played football and others doing some gymnastics. The children then had a hearty portion (or three!) of cottage pie or veggie cottage pie, finished off with apple strudel and custard-yummy!
In the evening, the adults chose orienteering for the children to complete due to their enthusiasm on Monday night with “nose to the ground”. They listened carefully to Jamie about what is involved with orienteering and how to complete the course, and chose their teams. They took on the challenge with enthusiasm. The children excitedly ran around the private grounds of Kilvrough Manor, desperately trying to be the first team to find all the markers- slightly giving away their success each time they found a marker by their excited screams! However, it was Malachi, Archie, Camron, Ege and Jailem who took first place.
After an evening exploring the Kilvrough grounds last night all the children headed off happily to bed. All the adults were really pleased that everyone settled down to sleep well and managed to stay in bed almost until it was time to get up this morning.
Group A, with Miss Fellows and Mr Gerrard, headed off to the caves to take on some very exciting challenges. Lots of children took the chance to be leaders in the caves and lead the whole team through different challenges. Holly really impressed everyone and made herself really proud when she had to lead her team through a challenge despite being very nervous about it herself. All of the children took on some or all of the challenges, and many overcame their fears. Peighton was really proud of herself for taking on the ‘toilet’ and the ‘letterbox’ and even wanted to have a second go at some of the challenges! Filip and Romeo took on every obstacle with confidence and enthusiasm; they really enjoyed the challenge of ‘Deadman’s Ledge’. Having gone through the 'toilet' challenge, all the children were a bit cold and wet when we left the caves and really appreciated a delicious hot chocolate in the sunshine.
All the children took on some or all of the challenges, and many overcame their fears!
Group C headed to Southgate beach for a day of rock climbing and scrambling. Miss Werrell was really impressed with Kareem who did a great job helping his teammates over the more challenging parts. When rock climbing, Malachi was incredible at supporting others and belaying the rock climbers. He was even given the job of supporting Miss Werrell as she climbed! Kai and Archie were really enthusiastic all day and took on every challenge with confidence. Everyone in Group A was proud of Siana who was the first one to be brave enough to take on the rock climb and reach the top!
The children were all brilliant at walking sensibly together and supporting others.
This evening we had chicken or vegetable curry and rice for dinner and Ed took us out for a night walk. The children were all brilliant at walking sensibly together and supporting others when they were struggling. We arrived at a castle ruins and enjoyed have a little exploration before having a rest on the grass to enjoy looking at the stars. Everyone is feeling a little more tired this evening and we are all looking forward to a good night’s sleep.
We had a brilliant coach journey: everyone was very excited when we left Wood Farm, if not a little sleepy. We very much enjoyed a chilled-out drive to Kilvrough watching Ratatouille and The Lego Movie. We crossed the Severn Bridge in to Wales just after 10:00am and Mr Gerrard made everyone laugh by bringing out his Welsh flag to display at the back of the coach. After a short break at the services and a small snack we got back on the road and arrived at Kilvrough Manor around 12:30.
Everyone was very excited to meet our instructors for the week: Alex, Sam, Ed and Jamie. Alex talked to everyone about the aims for the week which are: team-work, resilience and independence. The children were then very excited to find out their rooms and took on their first challenge of the day: making their own beds! Ellie took on a leading role for this in her room and helped all the other girls to put on their duvet covers.
The children took on their first challenge of the day: making their own beds!
We then enjoyed a delicious lunch of tomato soup and bread. After this we headed off into our groups for the week and had a go at some team building activities.
Group A took on the first challenge set by their leader Alex with lots of enthusiasm. The team had to help every member climb up and over a very tall tree branch. Reece took on a leading role and supported all of the group in having a go. Jaden really overcame her fears by taking on the challenge.
Group B had a go at ‘crossing the swamp’ using a rope swing. Khalil showed brilliant patience and resilience during this and really impressed Mr Moore and Jamie. They then had a go at a golf ball maze and all the children really took to the challenge and enjoyed playing the game which helped them build their team work skills.
Group C had a go at a number of team building games with Miss Werrell and their instructor Sam. They were really enthusiastic about each game they played and supported each other well. Alyssa took on a leading role in helping her team improve their skills and work better together. Corey really impressed Miss Werrell with his communication skills which helped his team be successful. Kamila also impressed the adults in her group by showing great resilience and bouncing back when she found something a struggle.
After activity we enjoyed some free time playing outside in the sunshine. Followed by a dinner of pasta Bolognese and strawberry angel delight.
Alex then set the children off on their evening activity ‘Nose to the ground’ which really tested the children’s map reading skills (This proved quite a challenge for some children!) and gave the children a chance to explore the grounds further. All the children are excited for their first activity tomorrow with group A going caving, group B challenging themselves with canoeing, and group C going rock climbing.