Wood Farm Primary School

Admissions to Reception Classes, September 2018

Applying to start in primary school for the first time

If your child was born between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014 (inclusive) then they will be starting Reception from September 2018.  To apply for a place in Reception in September 2018 parents need to use the Oxfordshire County Council schools admission service: click here.

All children need to apply - including children currently in the Slade Nursery School.

Open Morning in our Reception classes - if you would like to visit, see our school in action, and find out more about the outstanding learning and teaching in our Reception classes please join us on the morning of 17th November for a tour of the classrooms, and the chance to meet our Reception lead, Miss Vyas.  Please book in advance by contacting the school office on 01865 762575.  Alternatively do please call to arrange another time to visit the school.

The application process for children starting school in September 2018 closes on 15th January 2018