Year 1 Curriculum
On this page you can find out about the curriculum in our Year 1 classes. Click on the sections below to read about individual subjects, like reading, maths and PE, or to read about the different learning projects your child will be doing.
Year 1 (ID 1020)
This is us: Year 1Geography - Autumn
This is us: Year 1
Our brand new Year 1s will learn about the different cultures and backgrounds of children within their own class. They will begin by exploring different languages individuals can speak before understanding continents, countries and cities and how these correlate to one another. Our geographers will explore the similarities and differences of these countries and cultures by looking at food, language, celebrations and any traditional dress they may wear. Children will also look at similarities they all share including where they live and their local area of Wood Farm in Oxfordshire. Children will learn about key human and physical geographical characteristics of this country and compare it to other countries they know.
Fire! Fire!History - Autumn
Fire! Fire!
Year 1 become historians, investigating the Great Fire of London! They find out about the chronology of this significant moment in history, and learn more about how life was different in these times. This culminates in children creating an interactive account by using a range of skills including drama, speaking and presenting/narrating.
Around the UKGeography
Around the UK
Our project ‘Around the UK’ explores each of the 4 countries of the United Kingdom. With a geography focus, we are looking more closely at how to use maps and identifying human and physical geographical characteristics.
Magnificent mark makersArt - Spring
Magnificent mark makers
During this project the children will find out about Claude Monet and his artwork. They will become experts in identifying his work by discovering his style and they will become confident in expressing their opinions about his and other artists artwork through many opportunities to appreciating the beauty of art. Throughout the project children will explore different art tools. They will learn how to hold them effectively and how to use them in different ways to create different effects. The aim is for children to be able to use a wide range of art tools with greater control and precision to create their own artwork inspired by the work of Claude Monet.
Communication through the agesHistory - Summer
Communication through the ages
Our Year 1 historians look back across the last century at what communication means and how it has changed throughout history. They will learn key dates and events which changed the history of communication, including the inventors Tim Berners-Lee and Alexander Graham bell, and explore how modern technology has changed life by comparing it with the past. They will present this in a written leaflet form to share with their families and peers.
Materials matterScience and Design Technology
Materials matter
The aim of this project is for children to explore a range of everyday materials and investigate their properties, how they might change in different situations and why they are chosen to be used for different purposes. Children will become experts in materials and understand why they matter so that they can apply their knowledge to design and create a prototype of a commemorative monument. By the end of the project, children will design, make and evaluate their own monument so they can share their work with other teachers in school and with their family at home.