Years 1 and 2
Welcome to Key Stage One, the home of Year 1 and 2: Ladybirds, Foxes, Badgers and Squirrels. In KS1 we engage in an exciting variety of learning from exploring our incredible outdoor spaces, hands-on practical activities and a more formal approach to learning. Children are encouraged to share their ideas and participate in whole class discussions on the carpet before moving onto either an independent learning task or group challenge.
Years 1 and 2 staff team (ID 2088)
Miss PallantTeacher
Miss Pallant
Miss Pallant teaches Foxes class in Year 1. She also leads on Art and Design across the school.
Miss YardyTeacher
Miss Yardy
MissYardy teachesLadybirds class in Year 1. She also supports the teaching of history across the school.
Miss KeyTeacher and Team Leader
Miss Key
MissKey teachesBadgers class in Year 2. She also leads early reading and phonics in the school and is team leader for KS1.
Miss PayneTeacher
Miss Payne
MissPayne teachesSquirrelsclass in Year 1.
Miss BritnellLearning Mentor
Miss Britnell
Miss Britnell works across the school as a learning mentor, and covering classes. She also supports in our breakfast club.
Mrs LestradeTeaching assistant
Mrs Lestrade
Mrs Lestrade works as a teaching assistant in Year 1.
Miss DaminiTeaching assistant
Miss Damini
Miss Damini works as a teaching assistant in Year 2.
Miss LeamanTeaching assistant
Miss Leaman
Miss Leaman works across Years 1 and 2, supporting particularly with phonics and early reading.
Mrs BegumTeaching assistant
Mrs Begum
Mrs Begum works as a teaching assistant in Year 1.
Mrs MearahmedTeaching assistant
Mrs Mearahmed
Mrs Mearahmed works as a teaching assistant in Year 2
Mrs KhurshedTeaching assistant
Mrs Khurshed
Mrs Khurshed works as a teaching assistant in Year 2.
Mrs SheldonTeaching assistant
Mrs Sheldon
Mrs Sheldon works as a teaching assistant in Year 1.
Mrs D SouzaTeaching assistant
Mrs D Souza
Mrs D. Souza works as a teaching assistant in Year 1.
Miss WestTeaching assistant
Miss West
Miss West works as a teaching assistant in Year 2.
Early reading and writing skills are a core focus in Key Stage 1. Children continue to develop their phonics knowledge from Reception using Floppy’s phonics, becoming more confident readers and writers. In maths, children engage in practical activities to secure understanding, moving onto pictures to show their understanding, followed by formal written methods.
Our termly projects are thought-provoking and exciting, giving everyone a chance to learn about our beautiful world, past and present. Recently, we’ve learnt about explorers who have mapped and explored the World in Year 2, while Year 1 have become historians, finding out all about the Great Fire of London. We’ve also explored the countries, continents and oceans of our planet, focusing particularly on countries some of our friends are friends.
Visitors and trips help to inspire children and make connections. Recently, we’ve had a visit from the Fire Service, and with Science Oxford on our doorstep, we are fortunate to have frequent visits to take advantage of the Woodland Walk, Exploration Zone and Wow to Wonder.
Click on the link below to find out more about how we teach phonics in key stage 1: